Bathtub Repair
Over the years your tub can develop a lot of cracks, dings, and stains that depreciate the value and reliability of the fixture over time. To keep that unit looking new it's important to provide it with prompt, professionally performed bathtub repairs in Los Angeles, CA as soon as the need for them develops. The proper repairs can add years to your tub's lifetime and stop any potential leaks before the start. Have a professional give your bathtub a look, and they'll be able to go over the issues with you and tell you what your options are. Getting a crack fixed now can save you significant amounts of money in water damage later. Call in for a free quote.
3850 Wilshire Blvd #385, Los Angeles, CA 90010
3611 Motor Avenue #110, Los Angeles, CA 90034
2658 Griffith Park Bl. #232, Los Angeles, CA 90039
2380 GLENDALE BLVD, Los Angeles, CA 90039
3807 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010
5620 Geer Street, Los Angeles, CA 90016
12624 Rose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066
P O Box 41315, Los Angeles, CA 90041
4448 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90041
5630 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90037